Our Ideal Client
Here at Financial Stewardship Partners we prefer to work with clients who match our unique character profile. To help you determine if we might be right for you, we've outlined our ideal client profile below.
Enjoy open, honest, genuine personal relationships and making a difference in other people’s lives
Have a positive attitude about life, look for the best in people, and have a strong desire to grow spiritually, personally or professionally
Are committed to implementing a written financial strategy in order to pursue important goals in life
Want the freedom and simplicity of having their assets under the vigilant eye of a financial advisor
Are financial “delegators” who seek, respect and follow professional advice
Take action based on disciplined financial investment strategies instead of reacting to financial propaganda, conflicting opinions and events outside of their control
If you feel you match this profile then I invite you to inquire about a no cost, no obligation meeting to explore the potential value of working together.
Financial Planning
Employer Retirement Plan
Corporate Bonds
Municipal Bonds
Alternative Investments
Managed Accounts
Mutual Funds
Corporate Bonds
Municipal Bonds
Alternative Investments
Managed Accounts
Mutual Funds
Corporate Bonds
Municipal Bonds
Alternative Investments
Managed Accounts
Financial Planning
Retirement Plans
401(k) Plans
403(b) Plans
457 Plans
Other employer Plans
Education Planning
Charitable Gifting
Titling Assets
Estate Planning
Money Purchasing Plans
Profit Sharing Plans
Managed Accounts
Brokerage Accounts
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Simple IRA
401(k) Plans
403(b) Plans
457 Plans
Education 529 Plan
Educational IRA